Banish those painful plantar warts
Verrucae, sometimes referred to a plantar wart, is a virus (the Human Papillomavirus) that is commonly transmitted in childhood. It’s possible to pick up the virus in places like swimming pools, public showers or school gyms and changing sheds. Even just sharing a shower at home can facilitate transmission. The virus causes a lesion, most commonly on the bottom of the foot.
Although they can be considered unsightly, there’s no need to feel self-conscious about having a wart or verruca. They are a common occurrence, particularly with children, and can be treated, especially if caught early. It’s possible to try home remedies, however as podiatrists we are able to provide more effective treatment, especially if you are experiencing pain and irritation. We use topical solutions and dry needling under local anaesthetic – both treatments try to encourage a natural immune response to resolve the problem.

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Banish those painful plantar warts
Verrucae, sometimes referred to a plantar wart, is a virus (the Human Papillomavirus) that is commonly transmitted in childhood. It’s possible to pick up the virus in places like swimming pools, public showers or school gyms and changing sheds. Even just sharing a shower at home can facilitate transmission. The virus causes a lesion, most commonly on the bottom of the foot.
Although they can be considered unsightly, there’s no need to feel self-conscious about having a wart or verruca. They are a common occurrence, particularly with children, and can be treated, especially if caught early. It’s possible to try home remedies, however as podiatrists we are able to provide more effective treatment, especially if you are experiencing pain and irritation. We use topical solutions and dry needling under local anaesthetic – both treatments try to encourage a natural immune response to resolve the problem.