Sports Podiatry
Hit the ground running
Getting active, setting fitness goals or being involved in sport is a big part of the Kiwi lifestyle. But, not surprisingly, our feet and lower limbs generally bear the brunt of a lot of the injuries and pressure that can come with the activities we love! Whether you want to run with more ease, are keen to get back into your favourite weekend sport, or you’re wanting to excel at a competitive level, we can help you get pain-free and performing at your best.
We treat all sports-related or overuse injuries and concerns of the feet and lower limbs. As well as biomechanical assessments, footwear prescriptions, orthotic prescription and on-going care and treatment to enhance performance and minimise the likelihood of pain or injury. With the right advice, you can experience ease and freedom of movement, without worrying about injury or discomfort holding you back.

Our Locations
Sports Podiatry

Hit the ground running
Getting active, setting fitness goals or being involved in sport is a big part of the Kiwi lifestyle. But, not surprisingly, our feet and lower limbs generally bear the brunt of a lot of the injuries and pressure that can come with the activities we love! Whether you want to run with more ease, are keen to get back into your favourite weekend sport, or you’re wanting to excel at a competitive level, we can help you get pain-free and performing at your best.
We treat all sports-related or overuse injuries and concerns of the feet and lower limbs. As well as biomechanical assessments, footwear prescriptions, orthotic prescription and on-going care and treatment to enhance performance and minimise the likelihood of pain or injury. With the right advice, you can experience ease and freedom of movement, without worrying about injury or discomfort holding you back.