Kaikoura - Kaikoura Health
About Kaikoura Footwerks
Our Kaikoura based clinic specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and management of pain, conditions and injuries to the foot or lower limbs. We offer treatment for a wide range of concerns, including general podiatry, sports podiatry and diabetes podiatry.
To make a booking, call our clinic
25 Deal Street, Kaikoura 7300 -
+64 3 383 3656 -
Saturdays every 4 weeks
or send us a direct message.
Our Locations
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Kaikoura - Kaikoura Health
About Kaikoura Footwerks
Our Kaikoura based clinic specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and management of pain, conditions and injuries to the foot or lower limbs. We offer treatment for a wide range of concerns, including general podiatry, sports podiatry and diabetes podiatry.
To make a booking, call our clinic
25 Deal Street, Kaikoura 7300 -
+64 3 383 3656 -
Saturdays every 4 weeks
or send us a direct message.
Our Locations
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